Spring has officially sprung and we all know what that means: it’s almost bathing suit season. I can hear the sighs from here.
We’re worried about having tight abs and toned legs so a day at the beach can be just that.
But we mustn’t forget one of the body’s most feminine—and cellulite prone—areas: the booty. While you’re out there, working those abs and toning those arms, why not incorporate a little glut exercise? This way you’re WHOLE body will be beach ready!
Here are my favorite movies for a great, toned booty:
- Limited Range Squats- like a regular squat you begin with you legs shoulder width apart and knees bent. Try your best to keep your knees in line with your toes so all of your weight is pushed backward, into the glut and supporting hamstring muscles. Then squat all the way down so your bottom is even with your knees. Then straighten your legs and extend only 1/4 way to full upright standing. The more you limit this range of motion, the longer your muscles are contracted and working! (15-20 reps)
- Side Leg Lifts- this move is a little simpler. Lie down on your side with your head supported by your arm. Then lift your top leg as high as you can without rotating your hip. Bring your leg back down and repeat! (25-30 reps/side)
- Lunge Kicks- Like a regular lunge you begin standing. Step forward with one foot and sink into this stepping position so your back knee is almost touching the ground. Then as you reverse this motion and stand back up, kick your front leg forward as high and as powerful as you can. BONUS: This move also incorporates balance and therefore helps to improve your core strength! (20 reps/leg) Be sure to do all 20 reps with the same leg in front and then switch, otherwise balancing can get quite challenging.
- Knee to Toe- You begin on your side like in the side leg lift, but now, you bend your knees to form a perfect right angle as if you we’re sitting in a chair. Lift the top left slightly so your legs are apart. Then you alternate touching knee-to-knee and toe-to-toe. The higher you lift your leg the more your booty will benefit! (30 reps/side)
- Table Pose Leg Lift- You begin on your hands and knees with your stomach towards the ground and your back flat. Then lift one leg upward towards the ceiling behind you and then pull your leg back to the starting position without letting your knee touch the ground. You can make this more challenging by using ankle weights or a resistance band. (25-30 reps/leg)
Now that we’ve got the moves to freshen up our beach workout we are that much closer to swimsuit ready!