It’s midnight and there are still two pages to be written
for your paper. You’re on a roll and then you hear it: the grumble. From that point on it seems impossible to focus on anything but the tantalizing illumination of
the nearby vending machine.
“Don’t do it,” says your will.
“But those over there… those are Pop Tarts,” says your
We’ve all been there. It’s the seemingly best option and two
hours later you are tucked in bed with your stomach full and paper complete.
It’s when you wake up the next morning and you realize that
you haven’t had enough sleep, your sugar rush has rushed right along without
you, and you’re already late.
Eating well will not solve the procrastination problem (see this post
for that one). However, changing your eating habits CAN give you the right kind of energy to push through those inevitable late nights.
Not to mention that you can wake up feeling guilt free!
Here are some of my favorite late night snacks:
Tea: Most of us think food first when we’re hungry late at night. However, tea can be just as satisfying to your empty stomach. Any kind of tea works well—especially caffeinated. You know your own tolerance for caffeine better than anyone, so it’s your call as to what is too late. If it is getting too close to shut eye, decaffeinated works equally well to fill up your stomach and keep you focused. If you find that warm tea is too soothing, try it cold with Splenda! Plus, most tea has little to no calories making this a filling AND guilt-free snack.
As two of my roommates suffer from a peanut allergy, I understand that this
may not work for everyone or for public places. You are actually better avoiding
peanuts as they provide fewer health benefits than tree nuts. If you are able
to eat nuts DO IT! These protein-rich foods provide energy that lasts without a
crash. Try to avoid heavy seasoning as it adds unnecessary calories.
You might be thinking this sounds like a granola’s dream,
but give it a try! When you are able
to focus, get to bed early, and wake up more refreshed, you’ll be thanking these
powerful foods!