Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Positivity in the Wake of Tragedy

As a human it is heartbreaking to hear of the bombings at this year’s Boston Marathon.

As an American it is frightening to be so tragically reminded that we must value our safety, for it is not always ensured.

As a Boston University student is shocking to realize that these moments of terror could happen in our very own backyard, injuring those in our community. 

As a runner it is appalling to see those who set out with such effort and positive determination devastated by loss and injury.

However, out of this heartbreak, fright, shock, and appall, also comes a sense community.

It is unfortunate that this unity was not sparked by better circumstances, perhaps the spirit of Patriot’s Day that awakens the Boston community and its visitors annually. Still, we must be thankful for the kind and selfless acts we have seen and continue to see.

With this thought, I want to encourage readers, family, and friends to resolve to commit to an act of kindness and generosity for just this one week.  Go big by volunteering or donating blood. Or decide to make a change in your own micro community by resolving to hold the door more. Either way your effort is what counts.

My resolution: At least once a week I pass a homeless man on the corner at the end of my block. I’ve always been told to be wary of giving beggars money, especially in a big city. So I’ve resolved that every time I pass this spot I will take 10 minutes to stop inside the convenience store where the man rests and buy him a bagel, or a muffin, or juice—something that will keep him going without worrying about giving him money. I may not be able to take him off the streets, but at least I can give him a part of what he isn’t able to buy himself.  

Comment, tweet, or Facebook your acts of kindness throughout the week. Get your friends and family involved too. Let’s keep spreading the message to get the most positive impact possible!

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